Leaf Game Jan/2004            





Cousin Steve and I are back for the 2nd year. Check out the pix from last year here


We started outside the St. Pete Times forum with a drink, and mingling with the cheerleaders



The singing of the Canadian national anthem by the Canuck fans was noticeably audible

 throughout the arena before the game



Face-off in our end. you can see the netting above the glass. Sparks flew (get it?) during the

entire contest between these two division leading rivals. unlike last year, any attempts at

chanting "Go Leafs Go!!!" was imediately drowned out with chants by the Tampa fans.

The game ended in a 4-4 tie in overtime, with constant exciting action at both ends of the rink

Gary Roberts scored with just 45 seconds in the 3rd period to tie the game to force the overtime.




Next Leaf game: February 26th!!!!!




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Last modified: 04/28/05