



April 2005

I arrived back from Toronto to find gas at $ 2.16 per gallon. After exchange, that translates to $ 0.71  per litre. Still lower than up north, but closer than i can ever recall.

Looking to head north around Canada Day?


March 2005

Visitors included Sean Cavanagh for St. Paddy's Day, and the annual trip down by the Legroves and Reiners. We all met up for dinner one night at Siesta Key. With six people at the table and me being the only "native", everyone else was directly affected by the JetsGO bankruptcy.

See PICTURES on St. Paddy's day, trip to Florida Keys, and the Daiquiri deck at Siesta Key...

Gas prices hit a record high this month. today, they're at $ 2.09 per gallon. after taking today's exchange rate, that translates to $ 65.6 cents per liter. No complaints here.....yet.


February 2005

Visitor season is gearing up.....

First, had fun with the Johnstons staying over. My first official non-family guests. We enjoyed a whirlwind tour of the area, and checked out Sarasota. One highlight: Strawberry shortcake at a local farm. The Florida State fair was on, and we checked it out. As Margaret said, it's like the CNE mixed with the royal Winter Fair, only in Florida they have alligators instead of goats. Have a LOOK at a sample of their stay

The following weekend, the Hawketts came by for a visit. We went to the beach, checked out SoHo restaurant district in Tampa, and also went to the Beach in Sarasota


January 2005

Happy New Year!!!

Mom came down for two weeks ( 18th to Feb 1st) She liked the warm weather  (even though it was cold for Florida), and made freshly squeezed orange juice with her sister, and my aunt while here. Sorry, no pictures of the Elvis Impersonator contest - next year, for sure.





News from 2004



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Last modified: 04/28/05