Road to the Cup            





Introduction - Road to the Stanley Cup

The Stanley Cup playoffs. Nothing like it. And then, the finals. Against Calgary, with all of Canada ( except for PEI, cheering for their hometown player, Tampa's Brad Richards) cheering them on. I lived for hockey. I touched the Stanley Cup, in town on tour. At least every other day, an exciting game had to be seen.


I attended all of the home games of the finals in Tampa.  Great fun. Even met Don Cherry and Ron Mclean. On the day of Game 5 went to the beach with friend Lee and his daughter Lindsay, in town for Games 5 & 7.  We attended the Stanley Cup parade after winning in Game 7.

Lots of pictures, some with captions. Additional photo credits : Lindsay Veitch!!

Before THE Game

During THE Game

After THE Game




















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Last modified: 04/28/05